Trust Repair – Unresolved trust issues are a major factor that degrades the integrity of groups. Wendy’s field of expertise is avoiding these issues with trust repair. Wendy shares with us what trust repair is, what inspired her to study trust repair, and her approach to rebuilding trust.
The Path to Rebuilding Trust – We dive deep into different phases in the process of rebuilding trust and what Wendy focuses on at each stage of this systemic path towards building strong and trustworthy relationships.
Barriers – Wendy shares some ways that factors that are out of our control can interrupt our path to rebuilding trust and how we can be mindful of these factors to avoid being affected by them.
Trust and Culture – How unresolved trust issues can negatively affect professional relationships and collaborations inside an organization and how these issues eventually affect the performance and culture of an organization.
Trust in Personal Life – Wendy dives deep into the role trust issues play in our relationships with loved ones and what we can do to rebuild trust with our family members, friends, and people we care about.
Contact Wendy Fraser
LinkedIn: Wendy Fraser, PhD
My Book on Amazon: Trust Repair: It IS Possible!
Bobbi's Takeaways
I hope that you found that conversation packed with useful tools and strategies that you can use right away. Here are my three insights for thriving.
What makes a real and sincere and effective apology? I love the three components that Wendy talked about one, acknowledge the hurt, and how we may have contributed to think about in communicate, what am I going to do to make it right? And three, what am I going to do differently so that it won’t happen again in the future. I think that’s incredibly powerful, those three steps.
If things are unresolved, we will probably stay stuck. Because it is hard to move forward. And I think that this is so important. I know that sometimes it might seem easier to skip over it. But it doesn’t go away. It stays buried there. I also believe that, that this takes some courage. You know, it can seem tough to put something on the table that feels uncomfortable. But to me, it’s the only way that we can truly change things in the future.
The awesome, awesome power of curiosity. Back in grad school, when I heard that we cannot feel both curiosity and judgment at the same time. I wrote that down and I underlined it. And because I’m geeky enough to have colored markers with me, I probably underlined it in red. And if I had a highlighter I probably highlighted in as well. in it. I just think it’s so important. We can fit in, we can feel when someone is being curious, and when someone is being judgmental. And I promise I’m not trying to pat myself on the back here with this one. But it seems like this is something that I do well, at the very least it is one of the most common things that clients say about me, when I’m facilitating your coaching, you know that they feel safe sharing with me because they don’t feel judged. And I’m thrilled and honored to get that feedback. I don’t want people to feel judged. I don’t know about you, but I hate it when I feel judged. Especially when I know that the other person doesn’t understand me. I think if we could navigate with more curiosity, and to use Windies words, which I loved move out of assumption land, we would vastly improve our relationships.