Is the Wisdom of Your Experience Fully Tapped? (#91)

Is the Wisdom of Your Experience Fully Tapped? (#91)

Most of us are not born with attributes such as patience, courage, confidence. The way we gain those attributes is via our experiences. In this episode, we dive into how our experiences shape our lives and personalities, how to harvest the valuable lessons that come with experiences, and how you can join UnYielded to be a part of an upcoming initiative that will allow people to gain clarity on the roles that truly matter in life.

Show Notes

There’s No App for That – There’s no simple way to gain the attributes that we’re not given at birth. We have to go through all kinds of experiences that help us gain those attributes.

Learning from Experiences – Harsh or unfavorable situations we experience contain valuable lessons that make us stronger than ever before. We have to look for those lessons and extract the valuable messages that are in them.

Harvesting Experiences – You could begin this process today by looking at different chapters of your life and defining experiences of all magnitudes that you’ve had that have the potential to reveal a piece of who you really are.

Never too Late – You can always go back to your previous experiences and learn something valuable from them. It’s never too late.

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