Not everything is a lion! (#149)

Prime Your Mind
Prime Your Mind
Not everything is a lion! (#149)

Fear is the enemy. It steals our best resources: the part of the brain that helps us to be our most creative, solve problems and be at our very best. Tune into this episode with Liam Naden as he explains how to use your brain to achieve success in life.


This week's guest on the show is Liam Naden, a researcher, writer, educator, and motivational speaker. In addition to being the creator of Neuro-State Rebalancing, he is also the host of the podcast titled "Using Your Brain for Success" (NSR). Also, he is the author of almost twenty publications and the designer of four training programs for relationship coaching. During today's conversation, Liam guides listeners on how to properly use their brains so they may go over challenges and feelings of helplessness and into a life filled with purpose, passion, and authentic power. 



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