There Are Things That You Have No Control Over and Would Never Choose, But There Are Things That You Still Get to Choose (#197)

There Are Things That You Have No Control Over and Would Never Choose, But There Are Things That You Still Get to Choose (#197)

Life sometimes deals us an unfair hand. Kim Sorrelle was facing a cancer diagnosis when her husband was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.

This led her to write two books: Cry Until You Laugh and her latest, Love Is.  

When her husband died, she knew that while the life she wanted was just taken away from her, she still wanted to have a full life. 

Listen in to hear her inspiring journey, how she navigated difficult choices, found her way to happiness and joy, and what she learned when she took a year to study what love really is.  What she learned will likely surprise you!


Connect with Kim:





Mentioned in the episode:

Cry Until You Laugh: Real Love Real Pain Real Funny:

Love Is: A Yearlong Experiment in Living Out 1 Corinthians 13 Love:

14 Day love challenge:

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