Discomfort Means You’re on the Right Track (#104)

Discomfort Means You're on the Right Track (#104)

My guest today says that discomfort tells you that you are on the right track. Don’t let you fear stop you. She said that when she feels that discomfort, she tells herself: “It’s go time.”


Show Notes


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Bobbi's Takeaways

I hope you took away as much from that conversation as I did.  Here are my 3 insights for thriving:

  1. Discomfort tells you that you are on the right track.  Don’t stop now.  Don’t let you fear stop you.  I loved what Terri said about when she feels that discomfort saying, “It’s go time.”  I’ll be using that one! 

  2. When you feel blame, anger, frustration it is an indication that you are focused on the wrong thing.  I loved her basketball story and what she learned from her grandfather: you get what you focus on. 

Instead of thinking about the past as something that is behind us – and judging ourselves for any perceived mistakes – think of the past as the rock upon which we stand and the future is something that we are growing towards.  I loved that image. 

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