It’s Never Too Late to Hit the Reset Button (#106)

It's Never Too Late to Hit the Reset Button (#106)

It’s never too late to hit the reset button.  Never. One of the things that I’ve heard people say when they are thinking about a new venture is that “it will take long time.”  And, it might. 
But, here’s the thing: you are going to be 10 years older either way.
Where do you want to be in 10 years?

Show Notes


Connect with Craig Stanland


Craig's book: Blank Canvas

Bobbi's Takeaways

Here are my three insights for thriving.

  1. The past cannot define us without our consent. I absolutely love that. Back in the day, I was a huge Criminal Minds fan huge. And and there was an episode when Rossi said, scars remind us of where we have been. They don't have to determine where we go.

  2. I love when Craig was talking about owning his story instead of it owning him. We don't have to be owned by our stories, we can write our own stories, a new chapter.

  3. It is never too late to hit the reset button. Never.

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